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Support Temple Emanuel


At Temple Emanuel we understand that ensuring a Jewish future rests upon making Judaism meaningful and relevant to today. Thanks to more than 40% of our congregants and friends who generously support our general operating budget through their gifts to the Pillar Program, High Holy Day Appeal, and Annual End-of-the-Year Appeal we have built a vibrant Jewish community with cutting-edge programming, innovative services, excellent schools, and inspirational life-long learning workshops. Imagine what we could do if that number were 80%, or even 100%? If you have not made an annual contribution to Temple Emanuel, or if you would like to increase the amount of your gift, now is the time to donate to receive a year-end tax credit. Thank you for your consideration.

Where the need is greatest
Yahrzeit Fund
Rabbi Jonathan Aaron's Fund
Rabbi Sarah Bassin's Fund
Cantor Lizzie Weiss' Fund
Rabbi Adam Lutz's Fund
Rabbi Laura Geller's Fund
High Holy Day & Daily Prayer Book Fund
Shabbat Morning @Emanuel Luncheon Fund
Teen Civic Leadership Program
Early Childhood Center Fund
Religious School Fund
Mitzvah Circle Program
Wisdom Circle Fund
Temple Emanuel Legacy Fund (Estate Bequest)
Sanctuary Chair $1,000.00
Memorial Yartzheit Plaque $2,000.00
Holocaust Remembrance Wall $5,000.00

Printed messages can be a maximum of 3 lines - 40 characters per line.

Printed messages can be a maximum of 6 lines - 100 characters per line.

Enter name of loved one and date of passing.

on behalf of
in honor of
in memory of

Send Dedication Acknowledgement to:

Provide my full contact information
Provide my contact name and email address only
Provide non of my personal information (anonymous)
Bonim (Builders) $50,000.00
Malachim (Angel) $27,500.00
Tzadikim $19,800.00
L'dor V'dor $11,000.00
Sustaining $6,600.00
Double Chai $4,400.00
Chai $2,200.00

YoPro Pillar Membership (Applies to 26-32 year old Pillars)


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Payment Information

Help your contribution go further. Please use your checking account rather than a credit card for online payment. This saves Temple Emanuel credit card processing fees. Or please increase your contribution by 3% to cover our fees.

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